My crabby girl isn''t quite so crabby anymore...
She cut her first tooth!!!!!!!!!!!
Our first daughter was born 9-28-08, and now we are working on getting married before she turns a year! This time in our lives is so adventurous, that I just have to share!
- Christmas (1)
- Growth spurt (1)
- new year (1)
- Pictures (1)
- registry (1)
- working out (1)
Blog Archive
Motherhood. The word itself is almost bittersweet. Becoming a mother is one of the most joyous events of your life. It brings a new level of worry, but with that, new levels of love and joy. As the mother of a young child, you don't have the 'is she out with a boy that she shouldn't be?' instead, with the language barrier, you have 'am I feeding her enough?' 'is she getting enough rest?' 'why is she up at 3 am? did I do something wrong today?'
Than, before you know it, there is a culmination of something you've been working hard to teach. For at this age, a child is taking in everything you do and learning from it. Lorelei has been on all fours a lot since she turned 6 months. She'll rock back and forth. Than, before we knew it, she was scooting backwards. Now, with some assistance (we tap on the appropriate limb gently), she goes forwards a little bit.
And with learning the concept of alternating limbs this way, she will start to move her legs in a walking pattern at times as we go towards her toys when I hold her arms. Before, she would just stand there and stare at you.
She loves to take toys out of her box, and sometimes she even puts them back in!
My little girl is getting so big, so fast!
Good Afternoon,
Andrew and I have been discussing the idea of the 'going private' with this blog. We agreed that it is a good idea. One of the concerns is safety, being as more information can be figured out than is believable these days on the internet just with a few pictures and names. Another concern is that sometimes things written about here are just not things for the world to know about. It is okay for family to discuss certain things but not the entire world.
I wanted to give people time though. So I'm saying that on April 30, 2009, this blog shall be going private.
So, the way that this website works is that if you would like to follow than just leave me a comment with your email address (or if you're more comfortable with it, email me) and I will send out an invite to follow the blog on April 30.
I am open to anyone following, I just need to know who has access to this information.
Thanks for understanding!
My apologies for not posting in awhile. Life has gone well for us since our last post. Lorelei had a fabulous first Easter. The basket the bunny dropped off through Mommy and Daddy had some fabulous toys in it, as well as "Puffs" and a bathing suit. The bunny also left one with Grandma, which contained a new bib, some tights and some treats-and the basket was decorated with a cute tutu which is wearable!
So off we went to St Cloud to see Nana, Auntie Nita, Uncle Timmy, Cousin Gabe and everyone else. We adored having fun with Gabe's toys, and seeing everyone. We had a wonderful time there, and barely made a peep all day other than squeals of delight. Nana also had gotten her a GIANT pink bunny who she loves to death!
Next, we made a surprise appearance at Grandma W's. We were hoping to see Uncle Nick, however he and Amanda had another event for the day so we missed him. Lorelei got another new toy and her favorite shoes in the next size up from Grandma. She got to play with Auntie Kailey a ton which she thought was great. Than, before we knew it, she was too tired so she went to sleep and we headed home.
Other than that, things are relatively normal around here. I am under the belief that Lorelei is teething. She is definitely more crabby easily, is drooling like crazy, chewing on everything...all the classic signs. However, she is easy to deal with still right now, aside from later in the evenings, so I realize that I am fortunate in that aspect.
Also, I almost forgot. Saturday, we went to Springbrook. They had a 'spring fling' with an egg hunt and walking. The picture to the Left is the egg hunt for Lorelei's age.
The days pass so fast between blog posts! I swear it feels like I just posted yesterday, yet it's been nearly a week!
Well, as we all know, my little girl has hit the 6 month mark. It is difficult to believe that I have been a mother for half a year. I realize I have a whole lifetime to go with this, but the time has passed so insanely thus far. She is getting so big!
Her 'well visit' weighed her in at 17 lbs 15.5 oz, and about 26 inches long. She hit the 75th percentile across the board, meaning that right now, she is perfectly proportioned.
She is now sitting up almost as much as anything else. She also attempts to crawl. She'll get on all fours and sometimes rock back and forth and sometimes just sit there. She now drinks juice out of a sippy cup sometimes, though she is not highly into that yet. She holds her own bottle and all!
I remember that little girl though that we brought home from the hospital. She was so tiny! And it's amazing, she's only going to keep growing...
I have been debating something. I have considered making the blog by invitation only, meaning Andrew or I would have to email out the invitation to view it. This would mean that all readers would have to sign up for a blogger account.
I know that for some this is rather inconvenient, however this blog has personal things in it, and personal nature. I will let all know if I decide this, of course, and send out the invitations. Of course, if I don't have you're email, you can leave an anonymous comment to let me know what it is and who you are.
I enjoy being able to blog about personal things and let people in on our life. I am not good at talking, this is a disadvantage of course to having both depression and anxiety problems. I appreciate being able to share but due to the personal nature and the pictures of my daughter on the blog...I just feel this may be the best way. There are too many mentally ill people in this world that would/could prey on the photos contained in this blog and put my daughter in danger, and it has put important relationships at risk because things are searchable here.
At this point, please assume that I am going 'private' and make sure to make an account and become a follower of mine. If you need help, please leave a comment telling me how to email you and I will send a mass email to help you all.
Things are going...well, they are going. Friday was relatively uneventful, as Andrew worked all day. Saturday morning, to put it lightly, my Dad and I had a fight. We used to have these fights before as well. I won't get into what was said, but let's just say it ended in tears on my side and Drew and I leaving earlier in the day than we planned on. We had planned on going to Mom & Dad's (his parents) and borrowing the minivan because we knew that Lorelei needed a new crib. Her old one was not exactly safe but it was getting us through. It took some searching but we found one we liked at IKEA, so we needed the van to go all the way to Mall of America.
Well, we talked Mom and Dad into coming with us. That made it even more fun. So the 5 of us went, we introduced Mom & Dad to the wonders that are IKEA, purchased Lorelei's new crib and wandered the Mall a little. Mom bought Lorelei a few ADORABLE outfits, one of which has a hilarious story behind it. We were in the Disney store, shopping clearance, and Drew went out to hang out with Dad outside of the store. Mom and I finished up and took Lorelei with us to Carter's. It's than that we discover that she has a dirty diaper. Not a huge issue, especially since MOA Carter's now has a changing table RIGHT IN THE STORE! Not only is it there, they hae free diapers there and wipes! How awesome is that?! So anyhow, Mom kindly goes to change Lorelei and discovered that she had blown out all over her clothes. So I was sent out to get a new outfit for her (we normally have one, but due to the fight that morning we had only a few things with us). We changed her, and paid and she resulted in the most adorable outfit!
So, we got to spend the day (Lorelei's half birthday, I might add!) with Mom and Dad which was awesome! Lorelei got her new crib, which is great as can be! And we had a wonderful day!
Sunday, we did L's 6 mo pictures at JC Penney. We had Mom and Kailey with us so we got some really wonderful pictures of them with Lorelei. We will be getting those back soon enough.
Monday, L started to get very very cranky and pulling her ears and all that so I brought her in, and she is now on amoxicillin for her first ear infection! But she's getting better.