6:26 PM

All Hail King Computer!!

Well, my poor Drew has had a very computer-rific weekend.

First, he cleaned up his parents' laptop, including his sisters' pictures and what not. He did hours of work to clear some space and hopefully help it run faster.

Upon coming home this evening, I decided I was 'done and frustrated' and that we would reformat my computer. This, of course has already taken a couple hours. However, my computer was constantly freezing various programs before and I could not deal with it.

What have I learned? I am less frustrated when I delete file by file than one big section. It makes me happier because I feel that I am constantly doing SOMETHING.

Andrew has informed me that some of the sadness occurring for the last year and a half or so has increased again. This brings heaviness to my heart, as I always hope that people can work things out. Yeah I know, I am a pathetic optimist, but I always have been and if my personal past cannot knock me down, than really, I am not sure that anything can. I have said this once, and I will always say it, I love my future in laws and am sad that they will be going through this. If I could, I would do anything that I could to help them, though they know that if nothing else, Andrew and I can be an ear for them.

On another note, my little girl gets her second round of shots tomorrow. I hate that she has to have this, if I could, I would absolutely take it from her. However, I know that it is good for the long run. Everyday, there is something new, and I absolutely love it! She is getting better and better with her hand-eye coordination, she plays with her toys on her own now.

She has also begun to sit better and better with support. I am in awe as to what this little girl has accomplished in such a short amount of time. I cannot even express the joy each little accomplishment brings me. This life that our creators has offered is so incredible and so gorgeous. I think of the years that I was certain that the horrors of my past had brought me to be barren, and that I was certain I would never have such a joy as to have a little girl and it brings tears to my eyes to think that we were graced with this opportunity. I try my hardest to focus on the positive and hope for the negative to become better and although I know that some people don't feel that that is a good thing, I find that its something that I don't care about.

Well, I will add a few photos here for you guys, and after that, it is time to clean up and consider...maybe an early night in bed?

By the way, Drew got a haircut this weekend...it's now about chin length, and it curls up so pretty...I doubt there is enough length to put it in pig tails like above.


Anonymous said...

isnt it amazing how each day your little one learns to do something new, or do something from the day before even better? my son never ceases to amaze me. the bottom picture made me laugh so hard -- thats exactly what my son looks like when i try to sit him up on his own. sometimes when his pants are too tight he grunts really loud like its cutting his gut in half. haha!