8:37 PM

Our Wedding 'chapel'

2:04 PM

A Girls Wardrobe

Good Afternoon again, all.

I am constantly being asked what people can buy for Lorelei. Since she has just switched sizes, already bringing her to 6-9 mo clothing, I thought I would inform people about her needs.

First off, socks. Somehow, we all had a little too much fun on the smaller socks and now she has none for 6 months on up!! We love plain socks but just like Mama, she loves her 'fun socks' best.

Sundresses are also something she only has a couple of. I hope that as the weather warms I will be able to put her in dresses more.

Pants, shorts and skirts are the only other thing I know of for sure thus far that she could truly make use of right now.

I appreciate anyone and everyone's thoughts on it and although I do not mind shopping for her, I know that there are many that have fun with it, so why not share the wealth?

Much love to all


11:51 AM

What a Weekend!

It is officially spring. Not only does the calendar say so, but we were blessed with our first thunderstorm last night. One of the hits of thunder was so big and so loud that it vibrated the house. I am happy to report that Lorelei did not move or wake up. This is even better because this house has been struck by the flu again. What a wonderful way to welcome spring, eh?

We went camping this weekend at the place where we are having our wedding. It was wonderful to get away, and we also got some photos for those that are curious. I'll have to post them later, as some have people in them and I do not have their permission to post their faces on the internet so I just have to sit and blur them out out of simple respect.

I am still getting over my bout of the flu bug, so although I know that I had a lot to say, it has all escaped me. I'm sorry.

7:19 AM

And now, a word from our sponsor

Hi, my name is Lorelei. My Mommy said that she would help me post. She is doing the typing because my fingers are still too wittle to work the board. I told my Mommy that I would like to tell you guys about my world.

I'm a little little girl you see. I owny six months owd. Mommy says I tall for my age. I wouldn't know. I only meet a couple uver babies. One I see lots is my cousin Gabe. He has already made it to one year owd. He walks up and steals my toys! I can't chase him and get it back though cause I too wittle to know how. Someday I'll get dat boy back doe! Gabe likes wewwo. It is his favowite cowor. I pwefer wed do.

I know anover baby. His name is Wobbie. He is a very nice boy. He's a month younger dan me, so really we just stare at each other still. Sometimes, I squeal at him. Mommy says I see him tomowow.

My Daddy wuvs me beary much. He bought me an ecersaucer. It is fun. I stand in it and I can turn awound to pway wif my toys and I can jump! I wike to pway in dis a wot.

Dis week, I stawted showing my Mommy and Daddy and Umpa and Amma that I can sit up. I am big girl. I wather enjoy my new flavors of foods too. Mommy has been giving me wittle biscuits that I can nibble on.

I weally wove my life. I play a lot. But I wearning SO much!

Okay, I bowed now. Byebye!

8:33 AM


Last night, we hit a milestone. I know this isn't one that is on the charts, but it's a fun one for us.

Lorelei took her whole bath *20 min* sitting upright. She was therefor better able to play with the toys her daddy got her for Christmas. She is getting SO big!

12:30 PM

Ugh, no fun.

I do not feel well. My throat is sore, my nose is stuffed, and I'm tired and feel weak.

Lorelei is in the middle of a horrible growth spurt, and a hint of teething thrown in.

I'm exhausted. She's exhausted.

7:31 PM


Apparently my thoughts are controversial. People are upset. That will not change my views. I took a moment before starting to write to search for an article. This article was written while I was in high school so it is no wonder why it is no longer available online.

It is an article about a teenager who became addicted to various substances. It was a young lady who worked hard and became sober. She did everything to straighten her life up. She was 16 at the time. Do you know where that girl is today? Writing in this blog.

I didn't get where I am today by people hiding what I was doing. I did not get this way by people pretending that I wasn't doing anything. I was on a road to screw up my life and if it weren't for people embarrassing me following this, than I wouldn't be where I am today. It is not my job to expose people or drag them down. It is not my job to force people to face the mirror. However, it is also not my job to enable them to continue drinking or doing drugs or anything.

I want my daughter to have a healthy life. If she were to become an alcoholic, it would not necessarily be my fault as her mother, however I will work to show her that she can prevent that.

I love my family, be they chosen, the ones I was birthed into OR the ones that come with the man I have come to love. It is for that reason, and that reason alone that I care enough to not let the members of that family be enabled into drinking by simply joining the club of silence. It does not bother me that people are upset by my beliefs. I will not bury the things I believe in for the sake of our embarassment for associating with them.

I am not embarrassed to know an alcoholic, though. Alcoholism is a disease. Often it is like cancer. I would not hide to anyone that my mother battles breast cancer as we speak. Why would I, in turn, hide that my future father in law battles alcoholism?

If we look outside ourselves, we can find hope and help.

So, no, Grandma, I will not change my words. They are there. I did not ask for you to offer them to others. I do not mind others knowing my story, but I will not change it for anyone. And yes, his battle ties into my story as well.

Yes, Dad, people read what you have done. Use that embarrassment to fuel your change in yourself. Work hard and you can do it. There are people you don't even know praying for you (or doing their religion's equivilant.)

If Lorelei continues to sleep, I will try to soon give you an update into our lives.

5:42 PM

Good Evening

Things have gotten better around here. Mom is not feeling well, however she's the only one. Lorelei is doing wonderful. Can you believe she's already hitting 5.5 months old? I can't. It does not seem so long ago that I went to try to change Gabe's diaper on the floor and my water broke.

That day seemed to go slow, but moments since have sped by. We recently started moving Lorelei up to the "Stage 2" foods. She is trying everything that she is allowed and we finally have something she does not like!

This is Lorelei, begging Daddy to make Mommy stop giving her this "food" called Macaroni & Cheese. I can't say I blame her. The pureed version of mac and cheese is so incredibly bland and GROSS.

We spent Saturday with Kailey and Grandma Sandy. We all went down and picked up Kailey's bridesmaids dress, and my wedding dress! Grandma Sandy also happened to find her own dress! We ate lunch at Old Chicago, and had some good conversation, than proceeded to one of her favorite stores, Marshall's, where we found Lorelei's flower girl dress. It is so pretty!

We than went to Lorelei's great grandma's and showed our dresses, while Drew figured out that the new computer didn't have a dial up modem like Grandma needed.

Saturday night, we spent the night at Drew's parents' house. I love staying there usually. Drew's family is really wonderful and I feel like a part of the family. In fact, apparently his father feels so incredibly comfortable with me that he felt secure in getting himself to the point of fall down drunk, because I know it is my dream as a daughter in law and mother for my daughter and I to see Grandpa fall down! Please please realize I am being sarcastic with that last sentence.

I do not know why I keep my silence to Ken anymore. I wish he could understand how much he is hurting his family. I wish he had the strength to use that to sober up. I have been unable to get Sunday's images out of my head. It also breaks my heart to see Drew go through this, as well as Kailey. The only reason I don't ache for Nick is I don't know him as well. However I do feel bad for him. Please continue to keep Kailey and Sandy in your prayers that Ken's destruction may not only end finally, but that they may find a way to continue being strong enough to deal with what they have to right now.

Let's get back to other things though. I do not want to be a complete debby downer. Lorelei is now much more into showing off her rolling over skills. She's been able to do it for awhile, but finally is letting others see it. It is so adorable and she gets so excited about it. We will be having pictures done at the end of the month, and I hope to send some out for everyone.