2:04 PM

A Girls Wardrobe

Good Afternoon again, all.

I am constantly being asked what people can buy for Lorelei. Since she has just switched sizes, already bringing her to 6-9 mo clothing, I thought I would inform people about her needs.

First off, socks. Somehow, we all had a little too much fun on the smaller socks and now she has none for 6 months on up!! We love plain socks but just like Mama, she loves her 'fun socks' best.

Sundresses are also something she only has a couple of. I hope that as the weather warms I will be able to put her in dresses more.

Pants, shorts and skirts are the only other thing I know of for sure thus far that she could truly make use of right now.

I appreciate anyone and everyone's thoughts on it and although I do not mind shopping for her, I know that there are many that have fun with it, so why not share the wealth?

Much love to all
