8:39 PM


I have been a horrible person about keeping up this blog. As our little Lorelei has grown older, it has grown harder to keep up with this thing. I'm sorry to all.

I am unsure of when our last update was, but I know that many things have happened since. Early in the month, Lorelei got to meet her great grandma and great grandpa. They came all the way up to visit us from Texas! Grandpa brought her a beautiful wooden toybox he made for her that she has been enjoying tremendously (as have I, it is big enough to keep most of her toys in one spot, HURRAY!)

Following that, on the fifth, her father and I got married! It was an absolutely beautiful day and everything went splendid. Lorelei and her cousin, Gabe, were our flower girl and ring bearer. My mom pulled them down the aisle in a wagon, which was absolutely adorable, as planned. The following weekend, she was spoiled by her Grandma while Drew and I ran away to Duluth for our first ever vacation just the two of us! That was a ton of fun.

The month continued with a campout, some fun at Nana's and than--before we knew it, Lorelei turned ONE on Monday. I could hardly believe it! This Saturday is her party, and that will be tons of fun. Tomorrow is my birthday. It is hard to believe that only a year ago, I was sitting in a hospital trying to figure out how to take care of this precious gift from above.

Lorelei is doing splendid. She is not quite walking yet, but we're hoping for any day now. She has figured out how to stand from any position almost, without pulling herself up on anything. This is huge!

I would love to type more, but it is getting late and the Mr and I are super tired.